GK Compilation From Mauryan And Gupta Empire

GK Compilation From Mauryan And Gupta Empire: Which book is considered as the Gupta equivalent to Kautilya’s Arthasastra of the Mauryas- Kamandaka’s Nitisara. Who is the author of the famous Allahabad Prasasti- Harisena. Which Gupta Emperor is said to have founded Nalanda University- Kumaragupta I. The Greek sources mention Chandragupta Maurya as- Sandrocottus & Androcottus. Who dedicated the caves in Nagarjuni Hills to the Ajivikas- Dasharatha. Rajatarangini of Kalhana written in the- 12th century A.D. Bindusara asked the Syrian King Antiochus I Scoter to buy and send him what- sweet wine, dried figs, and a philosopher. In the Mauryan Empire, … Continue reading GK Compilation From Mauryan And Gupta Empire