GK from Neural Control and Coordination

GK from Neural Control and Coordination:

  • Who acts as a relay centre amongst different parts and sides of the brain- Pons-Varoli or Pons bridge.
  • The nervous system originates from- Ectoderm.
  • Who got Nobel Prize for synapse discovery i.e. neuron-neuron contact- Sir Charles Sherrington.
  • Who protects the central nervous system from external shock- Cerebrospinal fluid.
  • __________ composed of medulla oblongata, pons varoli and midbrain- Brain stem.
  • Coordination of voluntary muscle activity is connected with- Cerebellum.
  • The retina of the mammalian eye is composed of- Rods and Cones cells.
  • _____________ is the first neurotransmitter discovered by Otto Loewi- Acetylcholine.
  • Sympathetic nervous system increases- Heart Beat.
  • Sclerotic is the outermost layer of- Eye.
  • __________ are the structural and functional units of nervous system- Neurons.
  • Exhaustion of neurotransmitter at synapse due to repeated stimulation is called as- Synaptic Fatigue.
  • Determination of exact power of the lens required to correct eye defect- Retinoscopy.
  • The body temperature regulatory centre in the brain is- Hypothalamus.
  • The defective condition of accommodation of the eye in which distant objects are seen distinctly but nearby objects indistinct is- Hypermetropia.
  • The pia mater and dura mater are referred to as- Meninges.
  • The membrane that gives us the ability to discriminate different pitches of sound is the- Basilar Membrane.
  • Parasympathetic nerve arises from which region of the nervous system- Cranio-sacral.
  • Which part of the brain controls intellectual ability- Frontal Lobe.
  • The connection between axon and dendrite is called- Synapse.
  • Cerebral hemispheres are the centres of- Thinking.
  • _______ is the purple coloured pigment found in the rod cells of the retina- Rhodopsin.
  • Which part of the brain controls the respiratory centre- Medulla Oblongata.
  • The cornea of the camel has a covering which is called- Umbraculum.
  • _______ is the seat of intelligence, will power, memory, learning, thinking, vision, hearing, mood and emotions- Cerebrum.
  • Which is the smallest and slenderest cranial nerve- Pathetic Nerve.
  • Trigeminal Nerve is the largest cranial nerve which is also named as- Dentist Nerve.
  • The phenomenon of Reflex Action was discovered by- Marshal Hall (1833).
  • The area of the retina where the optic nerve and blood vessels (optic artery and optic vein) enter and leave the eyeball is called the- blind spot.
  • ________ is a layer of fatty connective tissue that surrounds the eye orbit acting as a soft shockproof cushion- Adipose Tissue.
  • The axon, particularly of peripheral nerves is surrounded by which cells- Schwann Cells.
  • Cylindrical glasses are used to correct which refractive errors of eye- Astigmatism.
  • The part of the eye which gives colour to the eye- Iris.
  • A canal that connects the ear cavity with the pharynx is- Eustachian Canal.
  • _________ is the outermost menings of brain- Dura mater.
  • The band of nerve fibres that join the two cerebral hemispheres in mammals- Corpus Callosum.
  • In the neurilemma, the vesicles release their neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft by- Exocytosis.
  • Sensory organ for perceiving vibrations in insects- Johnston’s Organ.
  • The central perforation of the iris is called- Pupil.
  • Grey matter is composed of- Neurocyton.
  • White matter is composed of- Myelinated nerve fibres.
  • Who conducts sensory and motor impulses to and from the brain- Spinal Cord.
  • Inflammation of a nerve, usually accompanied by pain and tenderness- Neuritis.
  • Sweating during high temperature as well as exercise is an example of- Unconditioned Reflex Action.
  • Defects occurring in eyes due to paralysis of ciliary muscles- Cycloplagia.
  • In older persons, the eye lens becomes opaque reducing visibility causes an eye disease called- Cataract.
  • The organ of Corti is a structure present in- Cochlea.
  • The innermost layer of the human eye is- Retina.
  • A photosensitive compound in the human eye is made up of- Opsin and Retinal.
  • _______ prevents internal reflection of light inside the eye- Choroid.

Structure of Human EarRole of Enzymes and Vitamins in Animal Nutrition
Structure of Human BrainGK From Digestion and Absorption
Compare the Choroid and Retina in Human EyeNutrition and Health– NIOS

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