Important Features of Chlamydomonas

Important Features of Chlamydomonas:

Chlamydomonas Plant Body

(1) The plant body is a thallus, which consists of a single biflagellated cell.

(2) It is a microscopic, unicellular organism and it exhibits a very primitive type of structure.

(3) They are ovoid, spherical, ellipsoidal, or pyriform in shape.

(4) Chlamydomonas cells are provided with two anterior flagella.

(5) Each flagellum arises from a basal granule, the blepharoplast.

(6) The two flagella or cilia propel the organism by their lashing movements in water.

(7) The cavity of the cup-shaped chloroplast is completely filled with the cytoplasm in which lies a single nucleus.

(8) Pyrenoids store reserve starch in the form of layers around it.

(9) The stigma is oval or circular and it is sensitive to light.

(10) A small projection of papilla, known as apical papilla, is present in between the two anteriorly inserted flagella.

Chlamydomonas Ultrastructure of the Cell

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Tamil Board: Living World

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