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Indian History Books
- Class 6th – Ancient Indian History by Romila Thapar – Download Here.
- Class 7th – Medieval Indian History by Romila Thapar – Download Here.
- Class 10th – The Story of Civilization Part- I by Arjun Dev – Download Here.
- Class 10th – The Story of Civilization Part- II by Arjun Dev – Download Here.
- Class 11th – Ancient Indian History by R.S Sharma – Download Here.
- Class 11th – Ancient Indian History by Makkhan Lal – Download Here.
- Class 11th – Medieval Indian History by Satish Chandra – Download Here.
- Class 12th – Modern Indian History by Bipan Chandra – Download Here.
Geography Books
- Lands and Peoples Part-I – Download Here.
- Lands and Peoples Part-II – Download Here.
- Lands and Peoples Part-III – Download Here.
- Understanding Environment – Download Here.
- India Economic Geography – Download Here.
- Geography of India – Download Here.
- Economic and Commercial Geography of India – Download Here.
- Principles of Geography Part I – Download Here.
- Physical Basis of Geography – Download Here.
- India: A General Geography – Download Here.
- India: Resources and Regional Development – Download Here.
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History Compilation:
1:- The Harappan Site at Kot Diji is close to which one of the following major sites of that civilization? (a) Harappa (b) Mohenjo-daro (c) Lothal (d) Kalibangan.
Ans:- Mohenjo-daro.
2:- The story Gandatindu Jataka was written in which language? (a) Sanskrit (b) Telugu (c) Tamil (d) Pali.
Ans:- Pali.
3:- According to the Tamil Sangam texts, who among the following were the large land owners? (a) Gahapatis (b) Uzhavars (c) Adimais (d) Vellalars.
Ans:- Vellalars.
4:- According to the Manusmriti, women can acquire wealth through which of the following means? (a) Purchase (b) Investment (c) Token of affection (d) Inheritance.
Ans:- Token of affection.
5:- The dialogue on Varna between king Avantiputta and Kachchana, a disciple of Buddha, appears in which one of the following Buddhist texts? (a) Majjhima Nikaya (b) Samyutta Nikaya (c) Anguttara Nikaya (d)Ambattha Sutta.
Ans:- Majjhima Nikaya.
6:- In the first century AD, which among the following was not a major item of Indian exports to Rome? (a) Pepper (b) Spikenard (c) Tortoiseshell (d) Nutmeg.
Ans:- Nutmeg.
7:- Who among the following European Travellers never returned to Europe and settled down in India? (a) Duarte Barbosa (b) Manucci (c) Tavernier (d) Bernier.
Ans:- Manucci.
8:- The class of Amar Nayakas in Vijayanagara is a reference to which of the following? (a) Village Chieftains (b) Senior Civil Servants (c) Tributary Chiefs (d) Military Commanders.
Ans:- Military Commanders.
9:- The important source for Akbar’s reign, Tarikh-i-Akbari was written by which one of the following Persian language scholars? (a) Arif Qandahari (b) Bayazid Bayat (c) Abdul Qadir Badauni (d) Nizamuddin Ahmad
Ans:- Arif Qandahari.
10:- The aristocrat Muqarrab Khan was a great favourite of which Mughal Emperor? (a) Akbar (b) Jahangir (c) Farrukhsiyar (d) Shah Alam
Ans:- Jahangir.
11:- Who was the first Nawab Wazir of Awadh in the 18th century? (a) Nawab Safdarjung (b) Nawab Saadat Ali Khan (c) Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula (d) Nawab Saadat Khan.
Ans:- Nawab Saadat Khan.
12:- According to the French traveller Tavernier, the majority of houses in Varanasi during the 17th century were made of? (a) brick and mud (b) stone and thatch (c) wood and stone (d) brick and stone
Ans:- brick and stone
Economy Compilation:
1:- The Most Favoured Nation (MFN) Clause under WTO regime is based on the principle of –
A. non-discrimination between nations
B. discrimination between nations
C. differential treatment between locals and foreigners
D. uniform tariff across commodities
Ans:- non-discrimination between nations. (A)
2:- Which one of the following indices is now used by the Reserve Bank of India to measure the rate of inflation in India?
B. BSE Index
C. Consumer Price Index
D. Wholesale Price Index
Ans:- Consumer Price Index . (C)
3:- Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to –
A. Monetary Economics
B. Welfare Economics
C. Environmental Economics
D. Development Economics
Ans:- Welfare Economics. (B)
4:- Arrange the following events in sequential order as they happened in India:
1. Mahalanobis Model
2. Plan Holiday
3. Rolling Plan
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
A. 1, 2, 3 B. 3, 2, 1
C. 2, 3, 1 D. 1, 3, 2
Ans:- 1, 2, 3. (A)
5:- The monetary policy in India uses which of the following tools?
1. Bank rate
2. Open market operations
3. Public debt
4. Public revenue
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
A. 1 and 2 only B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 4 only D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans:- 1 and 2 only. (A)
6:- Devaluation of currency will be more beneficial if prices of
A. domestic goods remain constant
B. exports become cheaper to importers
C. imports remain constant
D. exports rise proportionately
Ans:- exports become cheaper to importers. (B)
7:- The phenomenon of ‘demographic dividend’ of a country relates to
A. a sharp decline in total population
B. an increase in working age population
C. a decline in infant mortality rate
D. an increase in sex ration
Ans:- an increase in working age population . (B)
8:- In India, the base year of the new GDP series has been shifted from 2004-05 to
A. 2007-08
B. 2008-09
C. 2010-11
D. 2011-12
Ans:- 2011-12. (D)
9:- Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:
List-I (Type of Deficit) | List-II (Explanation) |
A. Fiscal Deficit | 1. Total Expenditure-Revenue Receipts & Non-debt Capital Receipts |
B. Revenue Deficit | 2. Revenue Expenditure-Revenue Receipts |
C. Effective Revenue Deficit | 3. Revenue Deficit-Grants for Creation of Capital Assets |
D. Primary Deficit | 4. Fiscal Deficit-Interest Payments |
Ans:- The above match is correct.
10:- Who among the following scholars argued that “capital created underdevelopment not because it exploited the underdeveloped world, but because it did not exploit it enough”?
A. Bill Warren
B. Paul Baran
C. Geoffrey Kay
D. Lenin
Ans:- Geoffrey Kay. (C)
11:- UBI, as an alternative for subsidies in poverty alleviation, stands for
A. Union Basic Income
B. Undefined Basic Income
C. Unconditional Basic Income
D. Universal Basic Income
Ans:- Universal Basic Income. (D)