Chemistry Notes Share Share Tweet Share Pin it Reddit Stumble Chemistry Notes For CBSE Exam: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding: Dual Nature of Radiations and MatterHeisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleDerivation of de-Broglie equationAtomic Orbital and Bond OrderShapes of Atomic OrbitalsMolecular Orbital TheoryMolecular Orbitals and its Formation by LCAO MethodBonding in Some Diatomic Molecules (Applications of Molecular Orbital Theory)Difference between Bonding and Anti-bonding Molecular OrbitalDifference Between Atomic and Molecular Orbitals The Solid State: Crystalline And Amorphous SolidsWhat is Crystal Lattice and Unit Cell?Close Packing in Two and Three DimensionsCoordination Number, Void, Ionic Radii and Radius Ratio RuleStructures of Simple Ionic CompoundsSilicates and its ClassificationImperfections or Defects in SolidsElectrical Properties of SolidsMagnetic Properties of SolidsDielectric Properties of Solids Solutions: Types of SolutionConcentration of a SolutionDerivation of Relationship Between Molarity and MolalityDerivation of Relationship Between Normality and MolarityDerivation of Relationship Between Molality and Mole FractionSolid SolutionVapour Pressure and Raoult’s LawIdeal and Non-Ideal SolutionsAzeotropic MixturesColligative PropertiesRelative Lowering in Vapour PressureElevation of Boiling PointDepression in Freezing PointOsmosis and Osmotic PressureExperimental Measurement of Osmotic PressureIsotonic or Isosmotic SolutionsAbnormal Molecular MassVan’t Hoff Factor Electrochemistry: Electrolytic ConductionWhat is Conductance?What is Specific and Molar Conductance?What is Equivalent Conductivity?Measurement of Electrolytic ConductanceElectrochemical Cell (Galvanic Cell or Voltaic Cell)EMF Of Galvanic CellPrimary Cells- Dry Cell and Mercury CellHydrogen-Oxygen Fuel CellWhat is Electrode Potential?Phenomenon of ElectrolysisElectrode Potential and ElectrolysisElectrochemical Theory of Rusting and Prevention of CorrosionPhotoelectrolysis of WaterElectrochemical Series and its ApplicationsDifference Between Metallic and Electrolytic ConductionDifference Between Electrochemical and Electrolytic Cell Chemical Kinetics: Rate of Chemical ReactionRate Constant and Specific Rate ConstantOrder of ReactionMolecularity of ReactionDifference Between Order of Reaction and Molecularity of ReactionDetermination of Rate Law, Rate Constant and Order of ReactionRate Law Equation for the Zero Order ReactionRate Law Equation for the First Order ReactionRate Law Equation for the Second Order ReactionDerivation of Half-Life Period for Zero and First Order ReactionFactors Affecting the Rate of ReactionExplanation of Increase in the Rate of the Reaction with TemperatureArrhenius Equation (Dependence of Rate Constant on Temperature)Concept of Activation Energy and Activated ComplexDifference Between Rate of Reaction and Reaction Rate ConstantTheories of Chemical KineticsMechanism of a Reaction Surface Chemistry: Adsorption-Types and ApplicationsDifference Between Physical and Chemical AdsorptionFreundlich Adsorption IsothermColloidal State of Matter and Classification of ColloidsApplications of ColloidsDifference Between Lyophilic and Lyophobic SolsPreparation of Lyophobic SolsBrownian Movement and Tyndall EffectElectrical Properties of Colloidal SolsDialysis and Electro-DialysisEmulsions and MicellesApplications of EmulsionsCoagulation and Hardy-Schulze LawProtective Colloids and Gold NumberCatalysis and its Types Nuclear Chemistry: RadioactivityNature of Radiations from Radioactive SubstancesAlpha and Beta Particle ChangeGroup Displacement LawRadioactive Disintegration SeriesRate of Radioactive Disintegration or Decay (Disintegration Rate)Half-Life Period and Average Life PeriodNuclear ReactionsDifference Between Nuclear and Chemical ReactionArtificial Transmutation of ElementsArtificial or Induced RadioactivityNuclear Fission and Nuclear FusionRadio-Carbon Dating Coordination Compounds and Organometallics: Addition CompoundsLigand and Its ClassificationCoordination Chemistry DefinitionsWerner Theory of Coordination CompoundsNomenclature of Coordination CompoundsIsomerism in Coordination CompoundsBonding in Coordination CompoundsCrystal Field Theory or Ligand Field TheoryStability of Coordination Compounds in SolutionImportance of Coordination CompoundsOrganometallic Compounds Ecological Succession or Biotic SuccessionImportant Biogeochemical CyclesOzone Layer Depletion or Ozone HoleSoil Pollution- Sources, Effects and Control MeasuresConcept of Food Chain and Food WebSolid Waste ManagementGrassland EcosystemSoil Erosion & Soil Conservation MeasuresXeric Adaptations in XerophytesEnvironment and Health– NIOS