Removing Hindrances in the Way of Delegation:
To make delegation effective and systematic, it is essential to follow the principle of delegation as well as to take steps for removing the hindrances in the way of delegation. Pfiffner suggests the following techniques/ways and means for this purpose:
(1) Select those subordinates who are capable of shouldering responsibility.
(2) Responsibility should be properly defined.
(3) Subordinates should be gradually trained to carry out new responsibilities.
(4) General policies should be established and disseminated throughout the organization.
(5) Strive towards maximum standardization of both functional and housekeeping procedures.
(6) Carry on perpetual management planning consisting of job analysis, organization study, budget planning, workflow study, and simplification of system and procedure.
(7) Establish external checks which may automatically show danger signals.
(8) Assure the flow of information up, down, and across the hierarchy.
Besides these suggestions, it can be said that delegation has to be done on the basis of well-recognized principles of delegation. Hindrances in the way of delegation should be consciously overcome. It must be remembered that without practicing delegation, no organization can really and effectively work in practice.
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