Aurobindo View on Trinity of Indias Genius

Aurobindo View on Trinity of Indias Genius:

Aurobindo awakened Indians by reminding them of the trinity of India’s genius-

(1) Spirituality- Spirituality is the ancient spirit and characteristic soul of India. He observed, “Spirituality is indeed the master-key of the Indian mind, the sense of the infinite is native to it”. He further says, “The note of spirituality is dominant, initial, constant, always recurrent; it is the support of all the rest. The first age of India’s greatness was a spiritual age when she thought passionately for the truth of existence through the intuitive mind and through an inner experience and interpretation of both the psychic and the physical existence. The stamp put on her by that beginning she has never lost, but rather always enriched it with fresh spiritual experience”. He wanted to enrich this spirituality. Hence he devoted his life to the enrichment of this spirituality.

(2) Creativeness- Sri Aurobindo has been quite conscious of the almost unimaginably prolific creativeness of India as he rightly believed that India’s spirituality did not flourish in the void. He stated, “For three thousand years at least…India has been creating abundantly and incessantly, lavishly, with an inexhaustible many-sidedness, republics and kingdoms and empires; philosophies and cosmogonies and sciences; creeds, arts and poems… of Yoga, arts spiritual, arts worldly…..the list is endless and in each item, there is almost a plethora of activity”. Sri Aurobindo’s life has been only a symbol of this plethora of activity for prolific creativeness.

(3) Intellectuality- Strong intellectualism is the third characteristic of Indian genius. To him it is an intellectualism; at once austere and rich, robust and minute, powerful and delicate, massive in principle and curious in detail.

Sri Aurobindo sums up the greatness of Indian culture as a harmonious blend of “an ingrained and dominant spirituality, an inexhaustible vital creativeness and gusto of life, and meditating between them, a powerful, penetrating and scrupulous intelligence, combined of the rational, ethical and aesthetic mind at a high intensity of action”.

He regarded diseased spirituality as the root cause of all deterioration in India and urged that state of affairs must end. He inspired the Indian renaissance in the words, “The recovery of the old spiritual knowledge and experience in all its splendour, depth and fullness is its first most essential work; the flowing of this spirituality into new forms of philosophy, literature, art, science and critical knowledge is the second; and original dealing with modern problems in the light of Indian spirit and the endeavour to formulate a greater synthesis of a spiritualized society is the third and most difficult. Its success on three lines will be the measure of its help to the future of humanity”.

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