Basic Concepts of Modern Humanism

Basic Concepts of Modern Humanism:

(1) Humanism does not believe in supernaturalism. Nature is a continuity of ever-changing events. So the idea of the universe is independent.

(2) Man reaps the fruit of his moral decision and his humanistic or barbaric behavior. The great epics of “The Mahabharata” and “The Ramayana” indicate great humanistic concerns and reflect values related to human causation.

(3) The humanists want man to gradually emancipate himself from the domination of the body and employ his mind in realizing spiritual ideals rather than continuously satisfying the cravings of the body.

(4) According to humanism, man is the maker and master of his own destiny. His happiness lies in the world. He should have full freedom to achieve this happiness by making progress in the cultural, economic, and moral spheres.

(5) Humanism believes that man is the master of his own destiny.

(6) According to humanism man should get full freedom for the highest appreciation of art and beauty and the limiting conditions presented by nature should be taken as a challenge by man.

(7) Humanism believes in the causal and evolutionary nature of ‘knowledge’ and has put an increasing faith in reason and scientific approach.

(8) Humanism believes that human beings possess the power to solve their own problems through reason, courage, or vision. It does not believe in pre-destination, determinism, and fatalism.

(9) Humanists believe that the “Mind” is a natural function of living organisms and is the product of evolution. The primary role of the mind is to know. Reason is the main instrument of the mind through which it knows about truth.

(10) The purpose of humanism is to establish national and international democracy in order that permanent peace may be established in the world.

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