General Science GK Part 3 For NEET And UPSC Exam

General Science GK Part 3 For NEET And UPSC Exam:

1. Elbow joint is an example of
(A) Pivot joint
(B) Hinge joint
(C) Gliding joint
(D) Ball and Socket joint

Ans: Hinge joint (B)

2. Which one of the following is a membrane that protects the developing embryo from desiccation?
(A) Amnion
(B) Allantois
(C) Chorion
(D) Yolk sac

Ans: Amnion (A)

3. Deposition of _______ in the joints causes gout
(A) Urea
(B) Uric acid
(C) Guanine
(D) Ammonia

Ans: Uric acid (B)

4. The hormone insulin is a
(A) glycolipid
(B) fatty acid
(C) peptide
(D) sterol

Ans: peptide (C)

5. In the context of Indian wildlife, the flying fox is a
(A) Bat
(B) Kite
(C) Stork
(D) Vulture

Ans: Bat (A)

6. In the human body, which one of the following hormones regulates blood calcium and phosphate?
(A) Glucagon
(B) Growth Hormone
(C) Parathyroid Hormone
(D) Thyroxine

Ans: Parathyroid Hormone (C)

7. How do most insects respire?
(A) Through skin
(B) Through gills
(C) By lungs
(D) By tracheal system

Ans: By tracheal system (D)

8. Which part of the brain controls intellectual ability?
(A) Frontal lobe
(B) Parietal lobe
(C) Temporal lobe
(D) Occipital lobe

Ans: Frontal lobe (A)

9. Parkinson’s disease (characterized by tremors and progressive rigidity of limbs) is caused by degeneration of brain neurons that are involved in movement control and make use of the neurotransmitter
(A) Acetylcholine
(B) Norepinephrine
(C) Dopamine

Ans: Dopamine (C)

10. The co-ordinator between the nervous and endocrine system is
(A) Thalamus
(B) Hypothalamus
(C) Epithalamus
(D) Colliculus

Ans: Hypothalamus (B)

11. The purplish-red pigment rhodopsin, contained in the rods type of photoreceptor cells of the human eye, is a derivative of
(A) Vitamin B1
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin A

Ans: Vitamin A (D)

12. Columella auris is found in
(A) Rabbit
(B) Frog
(C) Man
(D) All of these

Ans: Frog (B)

13. Production of which one of the following is a function of the liver?
(A) Lipase
(B) Urea
(C) Mucus
(D) Hydrochloric acid

Ans: Urea (B)

14. Which one of the following is not a digestive enzyme in the human system?
(A) Trypsin
(B) Gastrin
(C) Ptyalin
(D) Pepsin

Ans: Gastrin (B)

15. Among living organisms, which one of the following is the most responsible factor for bringing about the origin of a new species?
(A) Isolation
(B) Mutation
(C) Natural Selection
(D) Sexual reproduction

Ans: Mutation (B)

16. Ticks and mites are actually
(A) Arachnids
(B) Crustaceans
(C) Insects
(D) Myriapods

Ans: Arachnids (A)

17. Robert Webster is known for his work associated with which one of the following?
(A) Cardiology
(B) Influenza virus
(D) Alzheimer

Ans: Influenza virus (B)

18. A horizontal underground stem is a
(A) Corm
(B) Phylloclade
(C) Rhizome
(D) Rhizoid

Ans: Rhizome (C)

19. Placenta and pericarp are both edible portions in
(A) Apple
(B) Banana
(C) Tomato
(D) Potato

Ans: Tomato (C)

20. Plants which produce characteristics like pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to
(A) Halophytes
(B) Psammophytes
(C) Hydrophytes
(D) Mesophytes

Ans: Halophytes (A)

21. An example of colonial alga is
(A) Volvox
(B) Ulothrix
(C) Spirogyra
(D) Chlorella

Ans: Volvox (A)

22. Anoxygenic photosynthesis is characteristics of
(A) Rhodospirillium
(B) Spirogyra
(C) Chlamydomonas
(D) Ulva

Ans: Rhodospirillium (A)

23. Which among the following are the smallest living cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic to plants as well as animals and can survive without oxygen?
(A) Pseudomonas
(B) Mycoplasma
(C) Nostoc
(D) Bacillus

Ans: Mycoplasma (B)

24. In which of the following kinds of organisms is the phenomenon found wherein the female kills the male after copulation?
(A) Dragonfly
(B) Honeybee
(C) Spider
(D) Pit viper

Ans: Spider (C)

25. Which organelle in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA?
(A) Centriole
(B) Golgi apparatus
(C) Lysosome
(D) Mitochondrion

Ans: Mitochondrion (D)

26. Epiphytes are plants which depend on other plants for
(A) Food
(B) Mechanical Support
(C) Shade
(D) Water

Ans: Mechanical Support (B)

27. “Athlete’s Foot” is a disease caused by
(A) Bacteria
(B) Fungus
(C) Protozoan
(D) Nematode

Ans: Fungus (B)

28. The only snake that builds a nest is
(A) Chain Viper
(B) King Cobra
(C) Krait
(D) Saw-scaled Viper

Ans: King Cobra (B)

29. Which one of the following antimicrobial drugs, is suitable for the treatment of both tuberculosis and leprosy?
(A) Isoniazid
(B) P-aminosalicylic acid
(C) Streptomycin
(D) Rifampicin

Ans: Rifampicin (D)

30. What is the pH level of blood of a normal person?
(A) 4.5-4.6
(B) 6.45-6.55
(C) 7.35-7.45
(D) 8.25-8.35

Ans: 7.35-7.45 (C)

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