Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python (Using Random Module)

Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python:

We can use the PyCharm code editor for this example. If you do not know about it then follow this link- How to install PyCharm for Python and create a program in it.

Rock Paper Scissors Game Rules:

  • Rock smashes Scissors- Rock wins.
  • Paper covers Rock- Paper wins.
  • Scissors cuts Paper- Scissors wins.

Code Unit:

Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python Code 1
Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python Code 2
Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python Code 3


Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python Output1
Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python Output2

Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python Source Code: Do proper Code Indentation otherwise, the Source Code does not work and gives an error.

import random

class color:
 Bold = '\033[1m'
 RED = '\033[91m'
 DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
 END = '\033[0m'


while True:
     Game Start...
     Press 1 to Play
     Press 2 to Exit

   if user_action==1:
      for a in range(1,6):
            1 Rock
            2 Paper
            3 Scissors

          if user_input == 1:
              user_choice ="rock"
          elif user_input == 2:
              user_choice ="paper"
          elif user_input == 3:
              user_choice ="scissors"
          computer_choice = random.choice(x)

          if computer_choice == user_choice:
              print(color.RED +"Computer Value", computer_choice + color.END)
              print(color.RED +"User Value", user_choice + color.END)
              print(color.DARKCYAN +"Game Draw"+color.END)
              user_count = user_count + 1
              computer_count = computer_count + 1
          elif(user_choice =="rock" and computer_choice == "scissors") or (user_choice =="paper"
          and computer_choice == "rock") or (user_choice =="scissors" and computer_choice == "paper"):
              print(color.RED +"Computer Value", computer_choice + color.END)
              print(color.RED +"User Value", user_choice + color.END)
              print(color.DARKCYAN +"You Win"+color.END)
              user_count = user_count + 1
              print(color.RED +"Computer Value", computer_choice + color.END)
              print(color.RED +"User Value", user_choice + color.END)
              print(color.DARKCYAN +"Computer Win"+color.END)
              computer_count = computer_count + 1

      if user_count == computer_count:
          print(color.Bold + color.DARKCYAN + "Game Draw.....Play Again"+color.END)
          print(color.RED +"user Score", user_count, color.END)
          print(color.RED +"Computer Score", computer_count, color.END)
      elif user_count > computer_count:
          print(color.Bold + color.DARKCYAN + "Congratulations, You Win the Game......."+color.END)
          print(color.RED +"user Score", user_count, color.END)
          print(color.RED +"Computer Score", computer_count, color.END)
          print(color.Bold + color.DARKCYAN + "Sorry, Computer Win the Game......."+ color.END)
          print(color.RED +"user Score", user_count, color.END)
          print(color.RED +"Computer Score", computer_count, color.END)


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