Python MySQL Delete Query

Python MySQL Delete Query:

(1) Delete query deletes data and information from the database table. The Delete Query deletes a row in the table. The following data is present in the database table as shown below.

multiple values enter into database python mysql
We can use the PyCharm code editor for this example. If you do not know about it then follow this link- How to install PyCharm for Python and create a program in it.

(2) In this example, we delete the fifth row of the employee_table. For this, we write the following query as shown below.

Python MySQL Delete Query Codeunit

Note: We always need to call the connection’s commit method to write our changes out to the database. Otherwise, when the connection is closed, our changes may be lost.

(3) Now open localhost/phpmyadmin in the browser and click on the employee database, you find the employee_table. After clicking on the employee table, you see that the fifth row will be deleted as shown below. (Follow this blog for all steps “Create Table In MySQL Python“).

database row deleted python mysql

Programming Languages
Procedure-Oriented Programming
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Computer Software and Hardware
Malicious Software (Malware)
Database Management System (DBMS)
Tutorial MySQL
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