Anglican Concept

Anglican Concept:

In contrast to Germany and Switzerland, a strong political ambition, rather than religious drawbacks of the Church and its organization, was responsible for the growth of the Reformation movement in England. A minor but important question gave birth to the Anglican doctrine in England in the 16th century. The question was connected with the ruler of the Tudor dynasty, Henry VIII (1509-1547). Henry did not have a son. It was not an important issue. But he fell in love with his chief maid-in-honor, Anne Boleyn, and wanted to marry her. It was possible only if he divorced his queen Catherine. But it was difficult. When the Pope did not concede to Henry’s desire, Henry decided to oppose the Pope openly. England was dissatisfied with economic loss and the Pope’s interference that had lasted for a century. In these conditions, England did not see any risk in exercising an anti-Papal policy. First of all, Henry banned the payment of money to Rome and then he made Cranemmer the Bishop of Canterbury. Then he got the order of his separation from Catherine passed and married Anne. The Pope was constrained to take a drastic step against the King. Hence Henry was expelled from religion. Henry too broke off his relationship with the Pope in 1534 and declared the ruler of England to be the “Supreme Authority of the English Church”. Thus, the relations with the Catholic Church were snapped at once.

After Henry’s death, his successor Edward VI furthered Protestantism. During his reign, a “Book of Common Prayers” containing 42 Articles was published. It formulated the doctrine of Protestantism. After Edward’s death, his sister Mary Tudor reinstated the authority of the Catholic Church. Despite restrictive laws, the spirit of Protestantism flourished during her reign. Elizabeth succeeded Mary.

Elizabeth was determined to use religion for political ends. A finishing touch was given to the Anglican church during her rule. 42 Articles were modified and reduced to 39. In order to invest the Anglican Church with legal authority. “The Act of Supremacy and Uniformity” was passed.

By and by, the people of England embraced Protestantism. Although a little opposition cropped up, the National Church of England survived due to Elizabeth’s intelligence and foresight. In this way, a National Church was established in England by the end of the 16th century. It observed the Roman rituals but the Calvansit scripture.

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