Essay on Hostel Life

Essay on Hostel Life:

A great majority of students lives in their own homes. But, there are certain residential schools also. The students live in hostels.

Hostel life is peculiar. The day a student joins a hostel, he feels, he has been made a prisoner. He has to live a life of discipline, detachment and isolation. But, soon he realizes the charm of new life. He norms new friendships. He feels very happy in the company of students.

He feels he has stepped into a new, board and charming world. He learns to be his own master. He learns to be sociable, generous and helpful to others. Hostel life teaches him to become a responsible member of society.

Hostel life teaches discipline. The students learn to be punctual in their behaviour and studies. They are aware of the watchful eye of the hostel superintendent. They know that he will punish them if they misbehave. Certain irregularities of conduct are tolerated by parents but not in the hostel.

Hostel life is larger than family life. It teaches them many useful lessons which they neither learn from books nor from their homes. Hostel life itself is a great teacher. Every student in a hostel is at once a teacher and pupil. Students mix with one another. They talk and play with their companions. They discuss matters of common interest.

Hostel life teaches cooperation. They dine together, sit together and enjoy themselves in the common room. They play games. They develop team spirit. They organize debates. The stage plays. They take part in various functions which they themselves manage. It teaches them responsibility.

Every hostel has its office-bearers. They are elected from among students. Everyone takes part in the election. Those seeking election have to canvass for votes. It teaches them the art of self-government.

Thus, hostel life teaches independence, discipline, cooperation and self-confidence. All these qualities build a character. In this way, hostel life gives a student the necessary training to become a useful member of society.

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