Functions of Middle Management

Functions of Middle Management:

In the words of L. D. White, “The normal task of Middle Management is to supervise, direct and control the performance of business within the scope of law, policy, and regulations already established.” Middle Management looks after the production job, programme planning and the direction of operations, the establishment of production standards and their enforcement, the provision of personnel, supplies, equipment, and good working conditions, the supervision of the rank and file, coordination of operations, the maintenance of morale, and constant regard for improvement of operations. These are matters vital to good administration, skill, for calling fidelity, and capacity for leadership.

(1) Programme and Operational Planning- The Middle Management undertakes programme planning. The programme planning begins with a detailed study of the job to be done, leading to the identification of its principal parts and their divisions and sub-divisions, the relations between them, the boundaries of each vis-a-vis the others, and the types of procedures that will be required. This is a visualization of the whole operation often occurring before any part of it has taken a physical form. It results in decisions as to the overhead organization and the Bureau divisions, and sections that are needed to take charge of different parts of the programme. The Middle Management performs all such activities. The programme planning is described by Dr. White as a primary function of Middle Management.

(2) Control and Direction of Operations- Another main concern of Middle Management is the control and direction of operations, that is to get the job done. Control and direction of operations extend all the way from the beginning i.e., the planning stage, to the completion point. In the control and direction of operations, the middle managers remain very alert and have to use different tactics.

(3) Advice- The Middle Management also renders advice to the political head, as the middle managers have substantial knowledge of their organization. The mass of information transmitted to the head of the department is the product of Middle Management. As such, the Middle Management gives advice on policy and management. The Middle managers have the primary duty to assist their principals to work out programmes and to advise them on various problems that may arise in the course of practical application.

(4) Role in Policy-Making- Besides giving advice to the top-level executives and programme planning, Middle Management also plays an important role in policy-making. It does modify the details, if not the principles, of the policy to make it practically workable.

(5) Skilful Supervision- Supervision is another important function of Middle Management. The supervision in Middle Management runs up the hierarchy to its highest level i.e., the Bureau chiefs supervise the division heads, and the division heads supervise the sections heads, who in turn supervise the rank and file. The quality of supervision in Middle Management largely depends on the success of the administrative system in recruiting and retaining high-quality personnel in the organization.

(6) Securing Public Cooperation- The Middle Management is in direct contact with the field workers, who are dealing directly with the public. These field workers perform such tasks as the collection of taxes, maintenance of law and order, the conduct of trade and business, rendering of service to the public, undertaking of socio-economic welfare activities, etc. Their efforts have to be coordinated and good relations with the public have to be established. These tasks are performed by the Middle Management. It keeps the field staff properly motivated and in high morale.

Middle Management performs an important role in every organization through the performance of these functions.

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