Difficulties and Hindrances in the Way of Effective Communication:
There are certain factors that can come in the way of the smooth flow of the communication process and under the impact of these, communication can become ineffective. We must know these hindrances because only by removing or overcoming these can we hope to ensure effective communication.
(1) Language Problem- The first and foremost difficulty in communication is language. Words, phrases, and idioms in one language connote different meanings in different countries. Even within an area or a community, there can be a similar problem. Many words are subject to several different meanings. As such, there is great difficulty in using proper words and sentences for conveying the intended communication correctly.
(2) Ideological Barriers- Another difficulty with a communication system, as Pfiffner remarks, is ideological. He writes, “Differences in background, education, and expectations result in different social and political views. They are probably the greatest handicaps to effective communication and probably the most difficult to overcome.”
(3) Geographical Distance- The physical distance between the communicator and the receiver is another hindrance in the way of smooth and proper communication. Although modern science has enhanced the ability of human beings to overcome or reduce the distance problem considerably through the use of telephone, fax, telegram, speed post, e-mail, and other such media, yet long-distance continues to be a hindrance in the way of proper communication. The problem of seeking clarification always remains.
(4) Lack of Will to Communicate- Another barrier in the way of proper communication is the lack of the desire to communicate. Many officers do not think it proper to share their ideas with their subordinates. They do not encourage any sort of communication from below. This practice, in fact, always proves to be very dangerous for an organization.
(5) Rigidity- In a conversation, the meaning attached to various words and expressions varies from person to person. Some people held stray views on various matters. They hardly listen to other people and prefer to carry on with their rigid stand on certain matters. This leads to ineffective communication. According to Joseph Dooher, “Listening is the most neglected skill of communication.” Any rigid stand on an issue is always another hindrance in the way of proper communication.
(6) Generalization- Another hindrance in the way of proper and effective communication is a generalization. Stereotyped ideas about a thing or about one’s personality to ineffective communication. Use of general terms where particular and specific communication terms are needed leads to ineffective communication.
(7) Overloading- The effectiveness of communication also suffers when there is overloading. Generally, the administrators are too busy with reports and memoranda to actually look into or study these. In other words, a lack of communication skills can be a source of ineffective communication. By giving proper training and exposure, the personnel can be and should be trained in the art of effective communication.
To conclude our discussions on Communication, we can say that communication plays a vital role in the functioning of the administration. Good communication is necessary for every successful organizational activity or administrative work. An efficient and effective communication network can be compared to the nervous system of the human body. Just as a healthy nervous system is essential for the healthy working of the body, a healthy communication system is absolutely essential for the success of any organization. We fully agree with Prof. Moodie when he writes: “There can be no effective system of government without adequate means of communication, whatever the political regime may be.”
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