Geometric Sequence Formulas

Geometric Sequence Formulas:

A sequence of non-zero numbers is said to be a geometric sequence if the ratio of any term to its succeeding term remains constant. This constant is called the common ratio of the geometric sequence denoted by ‘r’ i.e.

r = an / an-1

Geometric Sequence is also called Geometric Progression.

General Form of Geometric Sequence:

If a be the first term and r be the common ratio of the geometric sequence, then its general form is a, ar, ar2. ar3, ……..

nth– term of Geometric Sequence:

If a be the first term and r be the common ratio of the geometric sequence, then its nth term is given by-

an = arn-1

Selection of terms in Geometric Sequence:

Number of TermsTerms to be SelectedCommon Ratio
3a/r, a, arr
4a/r3, a/r, ar, ar3r2
5a/r2, a/r, a, ar, ar2r

Sum to n-Terms of a Geometric Sequence:

Let a be the first term and r, be the common ratio of a Geometric Sequence. If Sn denotes the sum of the first n terms, then

Sn = a + ar + ar2 + … + arn-1
∴ r . Sn = ar + ar2 + ar3 + … + arn-1 + arn

Subtracting, Sn (1 – r) = a – arn
⇒ Sn (1 – r) = a (1 – rn)
Sn = a (1 – rn) / (1 – r) ………..(i)

This formula is suitable for finding out the sum of n terms in the Geometric Sequence when |r| < 1. But if |r| > 1, then we write,

Sn = a (rn – 1) / (r – 1) ………..(ii)

If r = 1, then the above formulae fail to find out the sum. But in this case,
Sn = a + a + a + … + to n terms = na

Sum to Infinite Terms of a Geometric Sequence:

S = a/(1 – r) [r < 1]
Example- Find the eighth term and the general term of the geometric sequence 9, 18, 36, …

Solution- The given geometric sequence is,
9, 18, 36, …

Here, a = 9, r = 18/9 = 2

Now, an = arn-1
⇒ an = 9 (2)n-1
and a8 = 9 (2)7
⇒ a8 = 9 (128)
⇒ a8 = 1152
Example- The third term of a G.P. is 12. Find the product of its first five terms.

Solution- Let ‘a’ and ‘r’ be the first term and common ratio of G.P. such that-
a3 = 12
⇒ ar2 = 12 ……….(i)

Now, the product of the first five terms of G.P.
= (a) (ar) (ar2) (ar3) ar4)
= a5r1+2+3+4+5
= a5r10
= (ar2)5
= 125
Example- If l, m, and n be the pth, qth and rth terms of a G.P. respectively, show that lq-r mr-p np-q = 1.

Solution- Let ‘a’ and ‘r1‘ be the first term and common ratio of a G.P. respectively.
Now, ap = l
⇒ ar1p-1 = l
Also aq = m
⇒ ar1q-1 = m
and ar = n
⇒ ar1r-1 = n

Now, lq-r mr-p np-q
= [ar1p-1]q-r [ar1q-1]r-p [ar1r-1]p-q
= aq-r . r1(p-1) (q-r) . ar-p . r1(q-1) (r-p) . ap-q . r1(r-1) (p-q)
= aq-r+r-p+p-q . r1pq-pr-q+r+qr-qp-r+p+rp-rq-p+q
= a0 . r10
= 1
Example- The third, seventh, and eleventh terms of a geometric sequence are x, y and z respectively. Show that y2 = xz.

Solution- Let ‘a’ and ‘r’ be the first term and common ratio of a geometric mean respectively.

Now, a3 = x
⇒ ar2 = x ……….(i)
Also a7 = y
⇒ ar6 = y ……….(ii)
and a11 = z
⇒ ar10 = z ……….(ii)

Now, xz = (ar2) (ar10)
⇒ xz = a2r12
⇒ xz = (ar6)2
⇒ xz = y2
Example- If ax = by= cz and x, y, z are in geometric sequence, prove that logba = logcb.

Solution- ax = by = cz and x, y, z are in geometric sequence.
y2 = xz
⇒ x = y2/z ……….(i)

Now, ax= by = cz
Apply log
log ax = log by = log cz
⇒ x log a = y log b = z log c = k
⇒ log a = k/x, log b = k/y and log c = k/z

Now, logba
= log a/log b
= (k/x)/(k/y)
= y/x
= y/(y2/z) [using (i)]
= z/y ……….(A)

Now, logcb
= log b/log c
= (k/y)/(k/z)
= z/y ……….(B)

From (A) and (B):-
logba = logcb
Example- If a, b, c are in a geometric sequence, prove that 1/loga m, 1/logb m, and 1/logc m are in an arithmetic sequence.

Solution- a, b, c are in a geometric sequence
⇒ b2 = ac

Apply log
⇒ log b2 = log ac
⇒ 2logm b = logm a + logm c
⇒ logm a, logm b, logm c are in an arithmetic sequence.
⇒ 1/loga m, 1/logb m, 1/logc m are in an arithmetic sequence.
Example- If l, m, n are in A.P., show that the lth, mth and nth terms of any G.P. are also in G.P.

Solution- l, m, n are in A.P.
⇒ 2m = l + n
⇒ m + m = l + n
⇒ m – l = n – m ……….(i)

Let ‘a’ and ‘r’ be the first term and common ratio of a geometric sequence.
Now, al = arl-1
am = arm-1
and an = arn-1

Now, am/al = arm-1/arl-1
⇒ am/al = rm-l ……….(ii)
and an/am = arn-1/arm-1
⇒ an/am = rn-m ……….(ii)

From (i), (ii) and (iii):-
am/al = an/am
⇒ (am)2 = (al) (an)
⇒ al, am, an are in a geometric sequence.
Example- Find the fourth term from the end of the G.P. 6, 12, 24, …….. 24576.

Solution- The given G.P. is
6, 12, 24, …….. 24576
or 24576, 12288, …….., 24, 12, 6

Here a = 24576, r = 1/2

Now, a4 = ar3
= 24576 (1/2)3
= 24576/8
= 3072
Example- The sum of three numbers in G.P. is 65 and their product is 3375. Find the numbers.

Solution- Let three numbers in G.P. be
a/r, a, ar

Now, (a/r) (a) (ar) = 3375
⇒ a3 = 3375
⇒ a3 = 153
⇒ a = 15

Also, a/r + a + ar = 65
⇒ a (1/r + 1 + r) = 65
⇒ 15 (1 + r + r2)/r = 65
⇒ 3 + 3r + 3r2 = 13r
⇒ 3r2 – 10r + 3 = 0
⇒ r = 3, 1/3

∴  three numbers in G.P. are 5, 15, 45, or 45, 15, 5.
Example- If x, 2x + 2, 3x + 3 are the first three terms of a G.P., find its fourth term.

Solution- x, 2x + 2, 3x + 3 are first three terms of G.P.
⇒ (2x + 2)2 = x (3x + 3)
⇒ 4(x + 1)2 = 3x (x + 1)
⇒ 4(x + 1) = 3x
⇒ 4x + 4 = 3x
⇒ x = -4

∴ three terms in G.P. are -4, 2(-4) + 2, 3(-4) + 3 = -4, -6, -9

Here r = -6/-4 = 3/2

∴ an = ar3
⇒ an = (-4) (3/2)3
⇒ an = -4 x 27/8
⇒ an = -27/2
Example- How many terms of the geometric sequence 6, 3, 3/2 ……… are needed to give the sum 3069/256?

Solution- The given geometric sequence is,
6, 3, 3/2 ………

Here a = 6, r = 3/6 = 1/2

Let Sn = 3069/256
⇒ a(rn – 1)/(r – 1) = 3069/256
⇒ 6[(1/2)n – 1]/[(1/2) – 1] = 3069/256
⇒ 6[(1/2)n – 1]/(-1/2) = 3069/256
⇒ -12 [(1/2)n – 1] = 3069/256
⇒ 12 (1 – 1/2n) = 3069/256
⇒ 1 – 1/2n = 3069/256 x 12
⇒ 1 – 1/2n = 1023/1024
⇒ 1 – 1023/1024 = 1/2n
⇒ 1/1024 = 1/2n
⇒ 1/210 = 1/2n
⇒ n = 10
Example- Find the sum to n terms 6 + 66 + 666 + ………

Solution- Let Sn = 6 + 66 + 666 + ……… to n terms
⇒ Sn = 6 [1 + 11 + 111 + ……… to n terms]
⇒ Sn = 6/9 [9 + 99 + 999 + ……… to n terms]
⇒ Sn = 6/9 [(10 – 1] + (100 – 1) + (1000 – 1) + ……… to n terms]
⇒ Sn = 6/9 [(10 + 100 + 1000 + ……… to n terms) – n]
⇒ Sn = 6/9 [(sum of n terms of G.P. with a = 10, r = 10) – n]
⇒ Sn = 6/9 [{10 (10n – 1) / (10 – 1)} – n]
⇒ Sn = 6/9 [10 (10n – 1)/9 – n]
⇒ Sn = (6/9) [10 (10n – 1) – 9n]/9
⇒ Sn = (6/81) (10n+1 – 10 – 9n)
⇒ Sn = (2/27) (10n+1 – 9n – 10)
Example- If the fourth and the seventh terms of a series in G.P. be 24 and 192 respectively, find the sum of its first twelve terms.

Solution- Let ‘a’ and ‘r’ be the first term and common ratio of a G.P. respectively such that
a4 = 24
⇒ ar3 = 24 ……….(i)
and a7 = 192
⇒ ar6 = 192 ……….(ii)

Dividing (i) by (ii):-
ar6/ar3 = 192/24
⇒ r3 = 8
⇒ r = 2

Substitute r = 2 in equation (i):-
a(2)3 = 24
⇒ 8a = 24
⇒ a = 3

∴ Sn = a (r12 – 1) / (r – 1)
⇒ Sn = 3(212 – 1)/(2 – 1)
⇒ Sn = 3(4096 – 1)/1
⇒ Sn = 3(4095)
⇒ Sn = 12285

Arithmetic Sequence Formulas
Arithmetic Mean in Sequence and Series
Logarithms and its Laws
Formation of Quadratic Equations With Given Roots
Quadratic Equations and their Solutions
Geometrical Representation of Fundamental Operations of Complex Numbers
Geometric Progression or Geometric Sequence– Wikipedia

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