Kinetic Energy-Work Theorem

Kinetic Energy-Work Theorem:

Consider a constant force F acting on a particle of mass m which has an initial velocity νA. Let the force cause a displacement x from A to B in the direction of the force. The work done is-

W = Fx ……….(i)

From Newton’s second law, we know that the acceleration ‘a’ which the force ‘F’ generates is given by-

F = ma ……….(ii)

Since ‘F’ is constant, ‘a’ is also constant and the final velocity at B is given by-

final velocity at B

Where νA is the initial velocity and νB is the final velocity.

Energy-Work Theorem
K = (1/2) mν2 ……….(v)

The kinetic energy is a scalar quantity that depends only on the particle’s speed and not on the direction of motion. Using the symbol KA and KB for the kinetic energy that a particle has at A and B respectively, we have from

W = KB – KA ……….(vi)

This shows that the work done by a force acting on a particle is equal to the change in the particle’s kinetic energy. This statement is known as the kinetic energy-work theorem.

Variable Force: The relation (vi) has been derived on the assumption that a constant force F acts throughout the entire journey. Now let us consider the case when the particle of mass m is moving from A to B along a curved path as shown below, under a variable force.

Calculation of Work Done

In order to compute the work done as the particle moves from location A to location B, let us divide the distance AB into a large number of small intervals of length Δs. If Δs is small enough, the force F can’t vary much over Δs. Hence, if the average force during the first interval is F1, during the second interval is F2, and so on, and these forces are inclined at θ1 with Δs1, θ2 with Δs2, etc., then

average force during the intervals

Where ΔW1, ΔW2 are the works done during various intervals, νA is the initial velocity at A, ν1, ν2, ….. are the velocities at the end of first, second … intervals, and νn = νB, being the speed of the particle at B.

If we add up all the individual work expressions, we get the following relation for the total work done by the applied force.

total work done by the applied force

In terms of the language of calculus this means that

total work done by the applied force in terms of calculus

Where KA and KB are the kinetic energies of the particle at A and B respectively. The above relation states that the work done by the net force in going from point A to point B equals the kinetic energy at B minus the kinetic energy at A i.e., the change in the kinetic energy is equal to the work done by the net force. Using the language of vectors the work-kinetic energy can be written as-

work-kinetic energy Formula

Calculus Method: Let a variable force act on the particle. As the work done dW in a small displacement dx is Fdx, where F is the instantaneous value of force in the interval x and x + dx, the total work done is given by-

total work done by Calculus Method

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