Python SQLite Search Query

Python SQLite Search Query:

We can use the PyCharm code editor for this example. If you do not know about it then follow this link- How to install PyCharm for Python and create a program in it.

(1)  Search query is used to filter and retrieve particular records from the SQLite database we created in the previous blog “SQLite in Python“.

(2) We use DB Browser to see which data is present in the SQLite database table as shown below. Follow this blog “Install DB Browser for SQLite on Windows“.

sqlite database values

(3) We use a search query to get second number data from the above table as shown below.

search query in pycharm editor

(4) We can also show data by taking user input as shown below.

search query using user input python

(5) We can also use like in the search query. If we use the ‘%” symbol before the table name field and any single character from the start matches the user input, it will display all data of that field. If we use the “%’ symbol after the table name field and any single character from the last matches the user input, it will display all data of that field. If we use the ‘%” symbol before and “%’ after the table name field and any single character from the start and the last matches the user input, it will display all data of that field.

The below image shows the third case.

Python SQLite Search Query Like

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Computer Software and Hardware
Malicious Software (Malware)
Database Management System (DBMS)
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