Aims of Training:
Training of personnel is of basic importance to all public services. The entire success of the development policies depends upon the chalking out of a systematic training programme and its timely implementation because, without it, the personnel would be under-equipped and not fully motivated to carry out the desired policies and objectives.
The British Committee on the Training of Civil Servants (1944) described the following as the aims of training:
(1) Attainment of precision and clarity in the transaction of business.
(2) Continuing adjustment of outlook and methods to new needs of new times.
(3) Broad views to counteract the tendency towards robot-like efficiency.
(4) Vocational training not only fit the individual to his present work but also look to expand duties and higher capacities in the future.
(5) Routine work being largely unavoidable, substantial regard to be paid to staff morale.
These are the five major aims of training. It is to prepare the individual psychologically as well as to give him the essential knowledge and skill that can enable him to become a well-functioning member of the organization. The Asheton Committee (1944) recorded “One of the principal aims of training is that it helps new recruits by imparting new skills and making them familiar with the jobs for which they have been appointed.” In this connection, Nigro also observes, “The function of training is to help employees grow, not only from the standpoint of mechanical efficiency but also in terms of the broad outlook and perspective which public servants need.”
In developing countries, the need for training is of added importance. It has to be designed to encourage the employees to innovate to meet changes in the economic and social systems, to adapt to the rapid expansion of state functions, and to meet shortages of trained personnel.
To sum up, we can list the following as the major aims of training:
(1) Training is to improve the efficiency of the employees in administration.
(2) Training is to make up for the deficiencies of the newly recruited persons.
(3) It aims to improve the integrity and morale of the employees. It aims at giving to the trainees a sense of dignity and pride in their work.
(4) Training develops a sense of community service.
(5) It makes the employees people-oriented. It inculcates a feeling in them that they are public servants, not masters.
(6) It prepares the employees for higher positions and for taking over bigger and greater responsibilities.
(7) It broadens the vision and outlook of the employees.
(8) It is essential for adjusting the employees to the fast-changing environment of the organization which is always subject to the influence of constant changes in the goals and techniques of the organization as well as to the changes in the socio-economic environment of the society at large.
(9) Training improves the occupational skill and knowledge of the employees. It prepares and encourages them to do their work effectively and efficiently.
In other words, training is essential for preparing the individuals to become willing and well-functioning personnel of the organization.
In contemporary times, training has come to be recognized as an integral and vitally important part of personnel management. For the efficient operation of public services, proper training is essential. The functions and responsibilities of governments have increased, are increasing, and are bound to increase in the future. The administration has become and is bound to become more and more complicated and complex. Consequently, the need for the training of employees is bound to be regarded as more and more important and imperative in the time to come.
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