Essay on “An Ideal Student”

An Ideal Student:

The student life is the most important period of man’s life. Habits formed during this time for life and make his character. As a student, he sows the seeds and reaps the fruit afterwards. An ideal student understands the importance and value of this period and cultivates good habits which help him become a good citizen and lead a happy and prosperous life.

Punctuality is an essential quality of an ideal student. He must do everything in time. His motto should be “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. He should make it a point to get up at 6 A.M. daily and go to bed before 10 P.M. always. His habit will bring him health, energy and happiness. He should attend school or college in time and never miss a class. He must be regular in his studies and do his home-task every day. He should realize the meaning of: “Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today”.

Hard work is another quality of an ideal student. Success in life largely depends upon the industry or hard work. It is by dint of labour that a student can gain distinction in an examination and win a scholarship. A student who possesses a good brain and works hard can do wonders. A lazy fellow, on the other hand, is doomed to failure despite his brilliant wits.

An ideal student should be obedient to his parents, teachers and elders. He is likely to go astray and fall into bad company. Hence he needs the guidance of his elders at every step during the tender age. Obedience to elders will win for him their good wishes and sympathies.

An ideal student should be polite and courteous in his talk and behaviour. Courtesy costs nothing but pays much in life. Courtesy is necessary for winning the love and friendship of others. Gentle words act like a soothing balm.

An ideal student never takes part in politics. He confines himself to his studies. There are numberless examples of students who participated in political agitation and ruined their life. Student life is meant for study only. It does not mean that he should be a bookworm. He should devote some time to games also. Play is necessary for health and discipline. Physical development should go side by side with mental development. An ideal student has a sound mind in a sound body.

Lastly, an ideal student lays stress on character. He always speaks the truth. He does not steal anything. He never cheats anybody. He helps the weak students in their difficulties. He never feels jealous of other’s progress or prosperity. He believes in high thinking and plain living. He is free from pride and prejudice. He hates luxury and extravagance. He is respectful and tolerant. He has a keen sense of duty and responsibility. He understands the value of discipline at home as well as at school.

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