Causes of Downfall of Slave Dynasty

Causes of Downfall of Slave Dynasty:

(1) The Muhammadan Kingdom of Delhi was not a homogeneous political entity. The government was feudal. The fief holders had no hereditary or even personal title to their fiefs but might be transferred from one fief to another.

(2) The North-Western districts were constantly devastated by Mongol inroads.

(3) The Khokhars were only occasionally in subjection.

(4) The fortresses of Gwalior, Ranthambhor, and Nagaur changed hands more than once.

(5) Mewat had been harassed but never subdued.

(6) The Hindus of the ‘Doab’ frequently revolted.

(7) There was no law of succession. The claim for the throne was decided only by the swords. It made the empire weak and unstable. There was much confusion at the time of the new ruler ascending the throne.

(8) The despotism of the slave rulers was another cause of the downfall of the dynasty. They always ruled with the policy of blood and iron. They never paid attention to the welfare of the common man in the empire.

(9) Internal rebellions and intrigues of the Amirs and nobles made the empire weak. There was no time when any sultan had not to face the intrigues of the nobles. Even Balban had to face the rebellion of Tughril Beg.

(10) Non-cooperation of the Hindus. The slave kings believed themselves to be the representatives of God on earth. They believed in the divine rights of the kings. They never tried to befriend the Hindus.

(11) Weak Sultans- Barring Altmash and Balban all the Sultans of the Slave dynasty were weak persons. They indulged freely in wine and women and never cared to pay attention to the business of the state. All these causes combined to bring about the end of the Slave Dynasty.

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