JKPSC KAS Mains 2022 Anthropology Paper 1

JKPSC KAS Mains 2022 Anthropology Paper 1:


Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting the paper.

(i) There are eight questions divided in two Sections and printed in English. Candidate has to attempt Five questions in All. Questions No. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any Three are to be attempted choosing at least One question from each Section. The number of marks carried by a Question/Part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in English in Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided.

(ii) Your answer should be precise and coherent.

(iii) If you encounter any typographical error, please read it as it appears in the text book.

(iv) Candidates are in their own interest advised to go through the general instructions on the back side of the title page of the Answer Script for strict adherence.

(v) No continuation sheets shall be provided to any candidate under any circumstances.

(vi) No blank page be left in between answer to various questions.


1. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each. (5 x 10 = 50)

(a) Kula Ring

(b) Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

(c) Holism vs Atomism in Anthropology

(d) Models in Anthropology

(e) Ruth Benedict

2. (a) What was Mead’s theory about the “cause” of adolescent crises? What is Mead’s contribution to the Culture and personality school of thought? (20)

(b) “Anthropology is the most scientific of the humanities, and the most humanistic of the sciences.” Discuss. (15)

(c) What are the challenges of holistic perspective in anthropology? How are they addressed? (15)

3. (a) Describe the impact of feminist movement on the universality of family and marriage as institutions. (20)

(b) Differentiate between power and authority. Explain with examples different types of authorities in context rural India. (15)

(c) Explain sacred and profane with examples. Compare and contrast Emile Durkheim and Clifford Geertz’s approach to religion. (15)

4. (a) What is Matrilineal descent? Critically discuss matrilineal puzzle. (20)

(b) Discuss the view that caste is not social stratification, but a system of hierarchy. (15)

(c) What is narrative analysis? How is narrative analysis used in qualitative research? (15)


5. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each. (5 x 10 = 50)

(a) Trisomy 18

(b) Grimaldi

(c) Nobel Prize (Medicine or Physiology) 2022 in Human Evolution

(d) Eugenics

(e) Bioevents to Fertility

6. (a) What is Hardy Weinberg Law? Discuss various evolutionary forces influencing Hardy Weinberg Law. (20)

(b) Neolithic is called revolution not evolution. Discuss it with suitable Indian examples. (15)

(c) What is Consanguineous Marriage? Discuss genetic effects of consanguineous and cousin Marriages. (15)

7. (a) Discuss various types of chromosomal aberrations in man illustrating with suitable examples. (20)

(b) Discuss Polygenic Inheritance citing the examples of human skin colour. (15)

(c) Megalithic culture of South India mean Iron age. Discuss. (15)

8. (a) Designing equipment, sports, and forensic anthropology have applied aspects of anthropology. Discuss with suitable examples. (20)

(b) What is physique? Describe Heath-Carter method of assessing the human physique. (15)

(c) Describe the physical characteristics of Australopithecus and the associated stone age cultures. (15)

JKPSC KAS Mains 2021 Anthropology Paper 1
JKPSC KAS Mains 2021 Anthropology Paper 2
Evolutionary Theories of Religion
Psychological and Functional Theories of Religion
Functional Analysis or Social Functions of Religion
Difference Between Religion and Magic
Family and its Salient Features
Kinship- Meaning, Classification, Terminology, Usages, Significance
The Problem of Universal Definition of Marriage
Functions of Family
Culture and Civilization
Cultural Developments in Medieval India– NIOS

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