Prefixes in English Grammar

Prefixes in English Grammar:

A PREFIX is a syllable added to a root word in the beginning to make a new word.

Example- unwell, disable, disagree, inconvenience, illegal, mistake, dethrone, improper, etc.

Negative Prefixes:

In, un, dis, non, anti, im, ir, il, ig, contra, counter, etc. When added at the beginning of the root word, they make new words having opposite or contrary meanings, called Antonyms.

In…..Inaccessible, inactive, incomplete, incorrect, indifferent, indispensable, indefinite, indefensible, indigestible, ineligible, insoluble, invincible, insecure, infuse, etc.
Un…..Unbelievable, unbearable, uncertain, uncommon, undesirable, undo, unusual, unequal, unexpected, unjust, unfit, unkind, unlawful, unpleasant, etc.
Dis…..Disagree, disappear, disclose, disobey, discover, discredit, dishonour, dislike, dissimilar, etc.
Non…..Nonparallel, nonexistent, nonresident, nonsense, non-vegetarian, nonpolitical, etc.
Anti…..Antichrist, anticlimax, antilogic, antipathy, antinational, antiseptic, antisocial, etc.
Im…..Immaterial, immeasurable, immedicable, immemorial, immodest, immoral, immovable, impartial, impatient, improper, etc.
Ir…..Irregular, irrational, irrelevant, irreligious, irresponsible, irreparable, irrespective, irresolute, etc.
Il…..Illegal, illiterate, illegible, etc.
Ig…..Ignoble, igloo, ignominy, etc.
Contra…..Contraband, contraceptive, etc.
Counter…..Counteract, countercharge, countermand, countermarch, counterplea, counter-revolution, etc.

Down-Grading Prefixes:

Mal (ill, sadly), de (down), mis (wrongly), retro (backward), se or sed (apart), ill (bad) are Down-grading Prefixes as they lower the position or status.

Mal…..Maltreatment, malnutritious, malcontent, malpractice, etc.
De…..Debase, defame, dethrone, decamp, decompose, decry, deface, deform, degrade, demagnetize.
Mis…..Misbelief, misbehave, misfortune, mislead, misuse.
Retro…..Retrospect, retrograde, retrovert.
Se or sed…..Secede.
IllIll-bred, ill-spent, ill-got, ill-will.

Prefixes of Degree or Size:

Mini (small), Over (too much), Under (too little), Super (above), Sub (under), Extra (beyond), Circum (round), Hyper (extremely), Out (beyond), Sur (over, beyond), Vice (in place of), Arch (higher).

Mini…..Minicab, miniskirt, minibus, minicar.
Over…..Overact, overjoy, overeat, overdue, overall.
Under…..Undersecretary, underhand, undermine, undertake
Super…..Superhuman, supernatural, superstructure, supermarket.
Sub…..Subjudge, subinspector, substandard, subagent, subset, subhuman, subregistrar.
Extra…..Extraordinary, extraterritorial, extracurricular.
Circum…..Circumcentre, circumcircle, circumnavigator.
Hyper…..Hypertension, Hypersensitive, Hyperbola.
Out…..Outdo, outcast, outcry, outpost.
Vice…..Vice-Principal, Vice-President.
Arch…..Archbishop, archangle, archduke.

Prefixes of Time and Order:

Pre (before), Post (after), Ante (before), Fore (before), Re (back, again).

Pre…..Prehistoric, pre-monsoon, pre-war, preface, precaution.
Post…..Post-war, post-graduate, post-date, post-script.
Ante…..Antedate, antechamber, anteroom.
Fore…..Forehead, forearm, forecast, foretell, forethought.
Re…..Rewrite, renew, refresh, replace.

Prefixes of Number:

Mono (one, single), Uni (one), Bi (two), Di (two), Tri (three), Multi (many), Poly (many), Demi (half), Hemi (half), Semi (half).

Mono…..Monoplane, monogamy, monosyllable, monotone.
Uni…..Univalue, unilateral, univocal, uniform.
Bi…..Bicycle, bifurcate, bisect, biannual, bilingual.
Di…..Dissect, dioxide, diarchy.
Tri…..Tricycle, Triangle, Trisection.
Multi…..Multilateral, multiracial, multimillionaire, multipurpose.
Poly…..Polygamy, polynomial, polysyllable.
Semi…..Semicircle, semicolon.

Locative (pertaining to location) Prefixes:

Inter (between), Sub (under), Peri (round), Super (over), Trans (across), Amphi (around or both sides).

Inter…..Intercaste, intermingle, intersect, international.
Peri…..Perimeter, periscope.
Trans…..Transaction, transposition, transplant, transmission.
Amphi…..Amphitheatre, amphibian.

Some Other Prefixes:

A (on, in)…..Ahead, ashore, asleep, abroad.
A (out, from)…..Arise, awake, alight.
Ab (from, away)…..Abnormal, abuse.
Ad (to)…..Adjoin, adverb.
Al (all)…..Almighty, already, almost.
Auto (self)…..Automatic, autograph, autobiography, autorickshaw.
Be (bye)…..Behead, befriend, become.
Be (intensive)…..Beside, betime, besides, besmear.
Bene (well)…..Benefactor, benediction.
By (on the side)…..Bypass, bygone.
Cata (down)…..Catastrophe, cataract, catalogue.
De (down)…..Debase, dethrone, decompose, derail.
Dia (through)…..Diameter, diagonal, diagram.
Em (make or cause a thing)…..Empower, employ, embrace, embolden.
Homo (like)…..Homogeneous, homologous.
Para (beside)…..Paradox, paraphrase.
Philo, phil (long)…..Philosopher, philanthropy.
Tres, trans (across)…..Transmit, trespass.
Sym, syn (with, together)…..Sympathy, synonym.

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