If I were an Examiner:
India is a democratic country. Any person can aspire for any post. It is an ambition that gives inspiration. But one may not become what one likes. Recruitment is done on the basis of merit. But it is not difficult to become an examiner. One should become a teacher. He will become an examiner.
If I were an examiner, I shall set many things right. I know that the system of examination is not serving the desired purpose. Some of the students mug up a few selected questions and get through the examination. There are others who keep working hard throughout the year. Still, some of them do not get good marks. There are still others who do nothing but copy. They also get through the examination.
As an examiner, I shall set questions that test students’ knowledge. I shall avoid the routine questions. I shall repeat questions if it is necessary.
However, I shall set a paper in such a way that students of all types of intelligence can do it. About one-third of the questions shall be for students of average intelligence. The remaining one-third of the questions shall be for students of below-average intelligence. It means that whosoever puts some effort, gets through the examination.
I know the marking of papers is a problem. But I shall take it as my sacred duty. I shall not depend upon the first and the last paragraph of the answer. I shall go through every line of the answer. I shall see that he has a thorough understanding of the topic. I shall see that he creates a link. I shall see that he writes correctly. I shall see that he makes no grammatical mistake. I shall award marks keeping all these points in view. Still, I shall be lenient to those who are on the margin.
I shall do totalling work myself. I shall not get it done from anyone else. However, I shall get my totalling rechecked from someone else. So, I hope that by working on these guidelines, I shall do full justice to the students.
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