Moments and Couples

Moments and Couples:

The moment of a force about a point is the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance of the point from the line of action of the force.

Moments and Couples Diagram

The moment of a force F about point O is given by FP, where p is the length of the perpendicular from O on the line of action of the force F. The unit of the moment is Newton-metre. The moment of a force about a point produces a tendency of rotation about the point.

Geometrical Interpretation:

Moments and Couples Geometrical Interpretation

We consider a force F represented by AB vector and let O be any point outside it. OA and OB are drawn. OP is drawn perpendicular to AB. Then the moment of the force F about O = F x OP = AB x OP = 2 x ar (△AOB).

Unit of Moment:

The S.I. unit of the moment is Newton-metre (Nm) and its C.G.S. unit is dyne-centimetre.

Sign of the Moment:

The moment of a force is taken to be positive when the tendency of the force to turn the body about a point is anticlockwise, otherwise, it is taken to be negative.

Moment of the Resultant of Two Forces- Varignon’s Theorem:

The algebraic sum of the moments of any two coplanar forces P and Q (except two equal and opposite forces) about any point O in their plane is equal to the moment of their resultant about that point.

If the point O lies on the line of action of the resultant, then the algebraic sum of the moments of the forces P and Q about O is zero. Conversely, if the algebraic sum of the moments of two forces P and Q about any point O is zero, then either the resultant is zero or the resultant passes through O.


A system of two equal and unlike parallel forces, not having the same line of action, is said to form a couple.

Moment of a Couple:

The moment of a couple is defined as the product of one of the forces forming the couple and the arm of the couple. Thus, the moment of the couple (F , p) is Fp and is equivalent to the moment of one of the forces about any point on the line of action of the other. The effect of a couple on a body is to produce pure rotation.

Positive and Negative Couples:

The moment of a couple decides the tendency to produce rotation. The greater the moment, the greater is the tendency for rotatory motion. The rotatory motion is of two kinds:

  • Anticlockwise rotatory motion.
  • Clockwise rotatory motion.
Positive and Negative Couples

The rotatory motion from left and to right is shown in Figure (i). Hence the moment is P + p.

A negative couple has a tendency to produce clockwise rotatory motion as shown in Figure (ii). Its moment is -Fq.


(i) The resultant of any number of couples acting in the some plane on a rigid body is again a couple.

(ii) The algebraic sum of the moments of the two forces forming a couple about any point in their plane is constant and it is equal to the moment of the couple.

Example- A non-uniform bar of length 10 m rests in a horizontal position supported at its ends A and B. When a weight of 12 N is attached to a point of the bar 8 m from A, the reaction at B is double than the one at A. When the same weight is attached to a point from 3 m from A, the reaction at A is double than the one at B. Find the weight of the bar and the distance of its centre of gravity from A.

Solution- Let AG = x, AC = 8, AB = 10 and GB = 10 – x. Now from the figure,

Moments and Couples Example
R + 2R = W + 12
⇒ R = W/3 + 4 ……….(i)

Taking moments about G, we get,
-R (x) – 12 (8 – x) + 2R (10 – x) = 0
⇒ R = (20R – 96)/3(R – 4) ……….(ii)

Now, let D be the point on AB such that AD = 3m. Taking moments about G, we get
-2 R(x) + 12 (x – 3) + R (10 – x) = 0
⇒ x = (10R – 36)/3(R – 4) ……….(iii)

From (ii) and (iii), we get
(20R – 96)/3(R – 4) = (10R – 36)/3(R – 4)
⇒ 20R – 96 = 10R – 36
⇒ 10R = 60
⇒ R =6

Now, putting R = 6 in (i), we get W = 6N.
Also putting R = 6 in (iii), we get x = 4m.

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