Some Selective Words Used as Verbs:
- Absent- He absented himself from the school.
- Account- Can you account for your failure?
- Address- I have addressed him a letter.
- Age- Worries have aged him.
- Air- I have to air my grievances.
- Arm- The border people should be armed.
- Bag- He bagged.
- Battle- We should battle against the evils of our society.
- Beard- Who can beard the lion in his den.
- Bell- Rats found it difficultto bell the cat.
- Black- Black your shoes and change your dress.
- Blind- Dust blinded our eyes.
- Board- I boarded the ship bound for England.
- Box- Will you box his ear?
- Brave- I have braved all dangers.
- Breakfast- We breakfast in the jungle.
- Button- Button up your coat.
- Cage- The bird was caged.
- Captain- He captained our team in the tournament.
- Cash- The cheque was cashed yesterday.
- Colour- He coloured his turban yellow.
- Cool- He cooled down after an hour.
- Corner- In a cross examination he tried to corner me.
- Court- The patriots courted arrest to free their country.
- Date- This letter is dated 20th January, 57.
- Dog- Do not dog his footsteps.
- Doctor- He has doctored him in the right manner.
- Dust- The maid-servant did not dust the room well.
- Effect- The thief effected his escape from the jail.
- Elbow- I elbowed my way through the crowd.
- Equal- She cannot equal her sister in singing.
- Eye- I eyed him just for a moment.
- Face- He faced many difficulties.
- Favour- He favoured me in the examination.
- Feast- He feasted like a king.
- Flood- The fields are flooded with water.
- Foot- I will foot the bill of the feast.
- Hand- I handed over the letter to his sister.
- Head- He headed the ball and scored a goal.
- Humble- Your rude treatment has humbled my position.
- Idle- Do not idle away your time.
- Land- He landed at the Bombay port only yesterday.
- Man- The fort was manned by trained soldiers.
- Match- Your hat matches your suit.
- Mind- Mind your own business, please.
- Name- Can you name the boy who beat you?
- Number- I have numbered all my articles.
- Oil- I am oiling my clock.
- Paper- The walls were paperd in different colours.
- People-The capital is peopled with refugees now.
- Place- He is placed in the first class.
- Picture- The lot of the poor can be well pictured in your mind.
- Prize-The Indians still prize old paintings and drawings.
- Report- He has reported against you.
- Risk- By going into the thick jungle he risked his life.
- Roof- The shed was roofed with dry grass.
- School- She has properly schooled her children.
- Second- I have seconded the proposal.
- Ship- He has shipped his goods for America.
- Shoulder- He shouldered great responsibilities.
- Sight- We sighted a lion at a distance.
- Silence- The sudden appearance of the teacher silenced the boys.
- Single- He was singled out for punishment.
- Skin- The culprit was ordered to be skinned alive.
- Sort- The mail has been sorted out just now.
- Smooth- I have smoothed your way to rise high.
- Square- Ram and Sham have squared their accounts. First square 2 and then add four.
- Station- Military is generally stationed at the border.
- Steam- The train steamed off and we were left behind.
- Steel- Misfortunes have steeled his heart.
- Storm- The enemy stormed the fort.
- Stream- Tears streamed down her cheeks.
- Subject- We were subjected to harsh treatment.
- Thread- I threaded my way through the crowd. Please thread the needle.
- Thunder- He thundered like clouds.
- Top- He topped the list of all the successful candidates.
- Trains- The boys are trained to honour a guest.
- Treasure- I will treasure the memory of your sweet company.
- Tutor- The police had tutored a false witness.
- Voice- You have really voiced the feelings of the public.
- Wind- Please wind the watch.
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